Welcome to MatFolio.com

If you're an avid Pokemon or MTG Card Player, or the parent of one, then you've probably asked yourself this question at least once or twice...

"What do I do with all these Playmats?!?"

You can only have so many playmat tubes - or pile them under the bed or in a box - until you never look at them again. Where's the fun in that when so often that playmat was a prize for doing well at a tournament?

We feel we've come up with the answer to all our problems and we'll be Kickstarting it Winter 2019! MatFolio will be a custom sized portfolio exclusively for your playmat collection. If you are a retailer of playmats at your store or at conventions or a grand prix, MatFolio will be the perfect way to present your playmats in a professional and secure manner.

Sights Like This Will Become a Thing of the Past

To stay updated as we put together our prototype and get prepared for our Kickstarter, please sign-up for our mailing list.

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